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Noel Chavasse Memorial Ride

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Captain Noel Godfrey Chavasse, VC & Bar, MC (9 November 1884 – 4 August 1917) was an English medical doctor, Olympic athlete, and British Army officer from the Chavasse family. He is one of three people to be awarded a Victoria Cross twice, the others being Arthur Martin-Leake and Charles Upham. The Battle of Guillemont saw acts of heroism by Chavasse, the only man to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice during the First World War. In 1916, he was hit by shell splinters while rescuing men in no-man's land. It is said he got as close as 25 yards to the German line, where he found three men and continued throughout the night under a constant rain of sniper bullets and bombing. He performed similar heroics in the early stages of the offensive at Passchendaele in August 1917 to gain a second VC and become the most highly decorated British officer of the First World War. He died of wounds suffered at Passchendaele in 1917. For more information, click here  


Starting at the sea, at 5k, pass the Westfront memorial, then leave Nieuwpoort on the VL Front cyclepath , following the waterways. The route roughly follows the WWI trench line during 1914, passing the tower at Diksmuide at 25k, followed by the famous sites at Passendale - one just before, one just after the town and then the route passes the famous cemetery at Tyne Cot. The museum is at 58k. At 65k, the cycle path changes to VL Heuvel, weaving through flat but (normally!) windy countryside. At Wervik, join the canal, westbound and onto the CB-BR path. Turn north, up to the western side of Iper, passing Noel Chavasse's resting place, 102k. Then, a wiggle westbound, touching the French border, a coffee stop at Esquelbecq before turning back, east and north, meandering back to Nieuwpoort.

Passing Through

Nieuwpoort beach, Ramskapelle, VL Front, Kaaskerke, Diksmuide, Merkem, Poelkapelle, Passchendaele, Zonnebeke, Zandvoorde, Kruiseke, Wervik, CB-BR canal path, Comines, Warneton, Mesen, Wijschate, Dikkebus, Brandhoek Military Cemetery, Reningeist, Watou, Winnezeele, Oudezeele, Arneke, Esquelbecq, Wormhout, Wylde, Bambecque, Hondschoote, Veurne, Wulpen, Nieuwpoort

Suggested Stops

Passchendaele, Cafe Madrid, 53.5k

Brandhoek Military Cemetery, 104k (right hand side)

Reningeist, Cafe St Joris, 109k

Esquelbecq, Cafe La Regalade, 152k


470m, max 5.8%

Detailed Map and GPX Download

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